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Corporate Training

Brian offers company-specific, gamified, efficient training solutions that upskill your workforce.

Contact us
Brian is a bespoke, adaptive, data-driven learning environment.
It improves the quality of employee education while reducing time and cost.
Gamified, interactive and intuitive: a training solution your employees will love to use.
Optimize employees’ learning success based on real-time data.

What’s the added value?

Bring your workforce up to speed. Faster.

Brian is a cutting-edge digital learning tool developed and deployed at leading universities. It utilizes algorithms, spaced repetition, narrative and gamification to secure high levels of user engagement and supercharge the learning process.

Make sure that your employees' time is well-spent.

Image that shows spaced repetition graph

Leverage the power of social learning.

Brian enables users to connect and interact, thus unlocking the benefits of a social learning. Forget isolated, tick-the-box learning environments. Facilitate networking. Create a smarter, more cohesive workforce.

Image that shows the comments ui

How does
it work?


Every company is different. We jointly explore which training solution is best for you and your employees. Drawing on the expertise of our education specialists, we develop a training programme tailored to your needs.


Content and software development.

Together, we develop playful, motivating, company-specific content. There are no software restrictions: Brian's code adapts to your needs. Create your ideal learning environment!


Measure, analyze, optimize.

While your employees immerse themselves in their new training modules, Brian gathers real-time data. This data makes learning and knowledge measurable. Brian delivers meaningful insight into the learning process that can be used to adjust training contents on the fly and to ensure that your employees' knowledge is always up to date.

Brian’s functionalities

  • list with checkboxes

    Flexible &

  • machien

    Real-Time Data

  • paper with graph

    Social Learning

  • AI-Driven
    Adaptive Learning

  • Gamified Learning Environment

  • Highest Data Privacy
    (DSG & GDPR)

  • Higher Education

  • Single Sign On



Users have fun studying
with Brian

small shield


Net Promoter Score,
as awarded by students

caricature of a happy brain


answered quiz questions
since 2021

table tennis racket and ball

Supporting Research

Brian's learning environment was created and honed at leading universities.

logo hsg logo hsg
"Geili Sieche, meh Kürs mache, I lieb Brian. Wooooh!"
"Big thank you guys! This app was a great idea and very useful for me :)"
brian logo

Apple Store Rating

98 RATINGS 4.7

Google Play Rating

21 RATINGS 4.6
"Great App!"